Worship. To some, the word sounds otherworldly, religious or just plain boring. The truth is, everyday and in so many different ways we engage in the act of worship. Worship comes from a an old English word that means worth+ship or to show how much something is worth. So instead of being reserved for Sunday morning, worship is a display of our true heart’s desire and ultimate allegiance. Anything can be an object of worship and many choose to worship money, fame, the latest hi-tech gadget, another person or themselves. The fact is everybody worships.
While everybody worships there is something genuinely special about Christian worship. It is an impossible task. Why? Because Christian worship involves showing how much Jesus Christ and God is worth. However, that is a goal that is unreachable. We can only grasp and reach at the goal of showing the universe how much the God who loves us so much that he died for us is truly worth. And so we write songs and make art and travel to the most remote places on earth for this very purpose. Sometimes our worship gatherings are fresh and exciting and sometimes it feels like the same old thing, but we keep going because we are worshipping the same God whose greatness we could never truly express. Everybody worships. Christians fail at it. While that may sound depressing it actually is a joyful thing. To show the value of a God so immeasurably amazing is a guarantee that we will never get bored. In fact it is the reason why we exist. –Ramon Mayo
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