Marijuana use may be socially accepted by many, but it’s illegal in most states and countries. With such varied laws and public opinion, this leads to some confusion between social acceptance and law. How can something so socially accepted still be illegal? Or even more peculiar, why is something illegal so socially accepted? Is there […]
“In the cities of the nations that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes…as the Lord your God has commanded you. Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshipping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord […]
Perhaps one of the most ‘hot’ topics today in society and in the Church is gender identity. From ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner to ‘bathroom laws,’ for some Christians it feels as though the very foundation of humanity, the distinction between male and female, is being ripped away. It is relatively easy to type an opinionated comment on […]
@#$%&?! I SWEAR
Profanity, defined in the Oxford English dictionary as blasphemous or obscene language (commonly known as swearing or cursing), is unavoidable and pervasive in the modern world. From movies and song lyrics, to schoolyards and offices, profanity is all around us. As modern Christians, what stance should we take on the issue? Are we to ignore […]
The issue of whether Christians should be involved in politics is complex, one that can lead to disagreement among those with even the most sincere faith. Especially if you are new to Christianity, someone that is seeking or someone that is newly committed, you may find that politics is one of the major things (along […]
Amidst the unsolicited advice and passionate opinions from friends, relatives, and strangers on the street, one of the greatest challenges that prospective parents face is the task of sifting through the endless sea of information about parenting. Hopeful parents must contend with a wealth of parenting philosophies, mommy blogs, safety information and product reviews. It […]
Disagreements between the scientific community and people of faith have recently been reignited through attempts to use embryonic stem cell research as a method of advancing cures and treatments against certain medical conditions. With President Barack Obama’s removal of the eight-year ban on embryonic stem cell research established by former President George W. Bush, pro-life groups […]
Few topics produce as much discussion, concern, and even anxiety as the topic of money. Most of us spend a good portion of our days trying to earn, save, and figure out how (not) to spend it. In the context of marriage, financial pressures and the constant need to make decisions about money can sometimes […]
Whether we celebrate it, run from it, long for it, or seek to reconfigure it entirely, most of us would agree that the family is a crucial shaping force in our lives. In family life a whole host of concerns—psychological, political, economic, emotional and religious—converge in powerful ways that affect us directly. Family life can […]
Does Your Form Determine Your Function?
When one brings up the topic of gender roles, it is often in the context of academia, as required reading for an introductory course in Psychology or Sociology in college. It may also come up in general conversation, if one is not afraid of encountering strong opinions that may be offensive to sensibilities regardless where […]