For people to escape from their troubles and worries, they must try to imagine they’re in a place of peace and beauty. For some people to find peace of mind and to be able to think clearly, they feel the need to let their minds wander into a paradise they consider their own. In the beginning of the Old Testament, God creates paradise on earth. Genesis 2:8 says “Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”
Here on earth God had given us the gift of nature. But just like the paradise of Eden was lost for Adam and Eve, little by little our environment is being destroyed and neglected with human-made innovations. Our pretty blue skies have been polluted by chemical refineries, vehicles, and every other form of transportation we use on a daily basis. Fields of land waste have contributed to the bad quality air we breathe, leaving the once pristine air polluted and hazardous to our health. However, despite these environmental changes on earth, we’re still able to experience a piece of the perfection of Eden in our places of comfort and peace. It’s still possible to obtain the image of perfection in our minds or recreate our own Eden.
Every now and then we wish to escape to where we don’t have everyday troubles or problems that hinder us from getting closer to God and finding peace within our souls: a personal place of perfection where God’s presence and perfection can be experienced. It can be outdoors or indoors, and it can also be imaginary. It doesn’t matter how a person perceives his or her Eden because it is his/her own personal place to feel comfortable, safe and at peace. A few individuals shared what their place of Eden is, where they feel God touches their hearts and souls the most.
“I know for a fact I’m most content in my bedroom, I have a sense of a free mind and relaxation when I’m there. When I’m in [my] room I feel like I get lost in my thoughts, it’s almost like I am waking to a bright sun shining through my window. I visualize laying down on a grassy hill, as the beautiful clouds set over me in the sky. I can feel the sun warming on my skin. When I’m in my room, I envision myself just letting my spirit run free, run with this great joy in my heart. My room is about the only place where I can think straight without any of the world’s outside interference. I feel God is with me in my thoughts when I’m in my room, all the negative vibes I feel outside of my room start to disappear, as if they never existed. I don’t let go of the hope I have when I’m laying on my bed in my room, I feel encouragement because God’s close to me and instilling His faith in me.” –Will Tuttle 23, Modesto, California
It’s still possible to obtain the image of perfection in our minds or recreate our own Eden.
“My Eden here on earth is Yosemite, National Park. I feel like it is God’s raw creation. When I’m there I feel a warm feeling just going through me and all my troubles seem so small. The only other person that is there with me in my place of perfection is God. The only thing that matters to me when I’m in Yosemite, is embracing a deeper understanding for all of God’s wonderful creations. I feel His presence the most when I am looking at the perfect atmosphere. I feel as if the world is at my feet. God and I are the only ones in my place of perfection. I feel as if God is speaking to me through His creations and in everything I see when I’m in Yosemite. As I breathe in fresh air, standing on the tops of shiny rocks, I can gaze at the crystal clear waterfalls I see the reason why this place is perfect to me. I see tall, healthy green trees, and clean abundant soil with pretty flowers. I experience the truth about when I am in Yosemite, every question I have about life is answered when I am there. Being in Yosemite lets me find my spiritual side and inner being, because all my concentration is on God, his creations and nothing else.”
–Mickey Curtis, 35, Long Beach, California
“My place of perfection that I consider to be Eden is the piano room in my house. The surroundings of the room are nothing. That’s important to me when I’m playing the piano. I need quiet time and constant focus when I think of God and all He has done for me. I get lost in my thoughts, when I close my eyes I hear the footsteps of God, like He’s there with me in divine spirit. When I reach my place of perfection, it’s no longer silent. Now I hear the sound of my piano keys that’s when I know I’m finding peace. I imagine my piano room is similar to heaven. After finding my moment of peace, upon opening my eyes, I see people praising God, choirs singing in his name and everyone one is content. I then arise from my piano bench and start to walk down a street paved of gold. I see God holding everyone’s hands and everyone’s smiling. People are rejoicing and sharing their happiness with one another. It’s when I’m sitting here playing the piano, I feel as if God is speaking to me, telling me there is such things as unity, love and peace. In my piano room there is no poverty, war or negative things going on, just me and my piano.”–Emmanuel Fleming, 27, Mobile, Alabama
“My Eden is at a nearby neighborhood park by this one particular tree. Every time I visit this park, I look for my special tree. This tree where I rest my head is the only tree in the park, not surrounded by anything but bright green grass. When I’m under this tree I can sit and be by myself and write poetry, read the Bible or just relax with peace and quiet. I feel God’s presence when I’m looking at the pure green leaves of this tree. I feel as if God made this tree in this park, especially for me. When I rest under this tree I like to read this novel I own called “The Rapture”. I feel as if I’m laying on clouds when I’m here. The feeling of being in this park, where it’s just me and this single tree, is just beautiful silence. I smell nothing but clean and crisp air; the air blows through my hair like a cool breeze does to a windmill. When I’m in my Eden, it’s almost like I can stay here for hours without a care in the world. I can embrace the simplicity of nature and not worry. I can focus on my thoughts of God and His creations of nature without disturbance. I’m able to meditate in my place of perfection. Being in this park reveals to me, God really cares for me and wants me to know that His arms are always open to me. I experience so many possibilities when I’m in this park, close to my tree even if it’s just in my imagination. I like how this tree is a designated spot for me… ”
–Charm Chinnel, 26 Santa Fe Springs, California
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