When people want to give back to the community, looking for an organization to help support is often the first step. Giving time by volunteering at your local hospice or giving funds to a worthy organization is always needed. But a different route of giving back and pushing for change is through advocacy. The same […]
During the holiday season, bell-ringing Salvation Army Santas and their red donation kettles are a common sight outside shopping centers and grocery stores. However, The Salvation Army’s mission is far greater than just collecting seasonal donations for the poor. The organization allows individuals from all social, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds to give back to their […]
As the downturn in the economy began to take its toll in late 2008, the homeless situation in Massachusetts worsened. With good jobs and reasonable rent becoming more wishful thinking than reality, the organization Small Can Be Big stepped in to facilitate much-needed financial support towards the many cash-strapped families of Massachusetts on the verge […]
“I’m very honored to have been chosen by God to head up a ministry that provides a shelter for homeless women with babies and small children who reside in the South Bay,” said Tara Nierenhausen, Director of Community’s Child, at a recent fundraiser. Community’s Child, a non-denominational Christian program in Southern California’s South Bay region, […]
We don’t have to look far to find an inspirational ministry with open arms and opportunities to give to others in need—Angel Food Ministries is right around the corner. Angel Food Ministries is one of the leading ministries providing nutritious meals for anyone who needs them. This ministry started in 1994 on the back porch […]
As our world continues to change and becomes far more Internet-oriented, numerous opportunities are becoming available for Christians worldwide. Mission outreaches, once limited to those who could physically travel around the world, are now only a mouse click away. One of the most powerful ways Christians are reaching others daily is through social networking sites […]
Everywhere you turned there was something or someone that needed help. Everywhere there was a need,” explains Christine Plaza Bermudez. Wrapping one’s head around the very apparent needs of so many others at one time can be overwhelming for just one person, especially one who wants to make a difference. This is what Sherry Roberts, […]
A Rocha USA is “engaged in biodiversity conservation worldwide through practical, community-based actions, scientific studies and environmental education. Two of today’s major challenges are the worldwide decline of vulnerable species and habitats, and the perceived lack of participation by Christian groups in these issues. A Rocha USA is engaged in actions to meet both of […]
Well known throughout the world, you might be surprised to discover that Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, nondenominational Christian housing organization and ministry. They welcome all races, religions, and ethnicities to be a part of projects that build simple, decent, affordable houses with and for those who lack adequate shelter. Habitat for Humanity […]