Photo by Jena Campion
Greg Park lives a double life, as any ninja would. During the day, Greg is a humble civilian, just like you and me. But at night, he teaches martial arts for free and spreads God’s good news. I am very proud to call Greg Park my sensei (Japanese for “teacher”). More of an art than a skill, Park teaches discipline, concentration, and compassion rather than the violence being a ninja might suggest.
You don’t find a ninja, a ninja finds you. Park serves the Kingdom and his community by offering free online lessons and in-person instruction. He meets at a local park in Los Angeles, providing an after school program for students who can’t afford expensive karate lessons.
He is more than a very knowledgeable sensei. He is family. He is a friend. He scientifically explains every detail of the techniques of self defense that he teaches. He explains in depth the history of the art itself as well as the country of origin. Once a month, the class sits down as a whole, after a grueling day of training, for fellowship and a barbecue. The instructors treat the kids whose birthdays fall in that month to a homemade birthday cake and celebration. Afterwards, Greg and the other instructors seek out the homeless community in the park and donate any leftover food.
Greg cares deeply for each of his students. As a brother in Christ, he is involved in each of his students’ lives. God uses him to guide the students towards a positive way of life. His philosophy videos on YouTube are really Bible teachings, as Greg hopes to share and encourage his students to discover Christ, one at a time.
Greg hopes to share and encourage his students to discover Christ, one at a time.
His students walk away not only stronger and tougher physically, but with a compassionate servant’s heart. He instills stern self-discipline in order to help grow and strengthen the will to achieve future goals in the real world. He inspires and challenges each of the instructors and students to return the favor by contributing to their own communities. This may be through giving time, money, food, protection, or emotional comfort.
Park is a modest man. He refuses to take credit and simply looks up to the sky and gives the glory all to God. —Jena Campion
Get more information about Greg Park by visiting www.nintaijutsudojo.com, or search for “Choson Ninja” on YouTube.com for free online lessons.
Please I would like to speak with Brother Park. I too teach martial arts and faith is our first tenet.
I have walked away from so many false teachers. But my love for God and my obedience keep me teaching through the gift God has blessed me with.
There is no pay check for me. Only love for my students and their families.
Please let me know how to reach Brother Consun Ninja. Or have him reach me.
I’m sorry Tammy, we don’t have the current contact info for Greg Park. Thank you for reaching out though and we hope you find him.
Greg is famous as Ninjutsu fraud.
This photograph is 2007.
At this point, he camouflaged a descendant of Japanese Ninjya.
“I am Japan-Korea mixed blood!”
“I succeed to all Ninjutsu from my ancestor!”
According to the student of Greg, the reason why Greg established false Ninjutsu school was appeals from him to Hollywood.
Greg wanted to become a movie star.
Greg was a used car salesman at the time of one of this photograph. (it is a company of father of Greg)
Greg one year ago camouflaged Seninr negotiator of Law firm.
(Greg is a high-school graduate)
In this photograph, Kanji of his chest is Taekwondo.
Choi which was an officer of the former Japan Army founded Taekwondo in 1951.
It is a sport based on Shotokan karate.
Put it other than it.
He advocated Hapkido.
“My Ninjutsu base is Hapkido!”
Hapkido is a Korean reading of Aikido.
The creation is 1956.
The Hapkido founder has not learned Aikido formally.
(Aikido shares all student lists from the WW2 past)
Hapkido mixes basics of Aikido and boxing and Taekwondo.
According to the student of Greg, Greg seemed to refuse severe training of Hapkido dojo which a student learned for several years in three days.
According to youtube of Greg, the martial arts that Greg learned first are Tang soo-do.
It is a Korean reading of Karate-do.
Karate is unrelated to Ninjya.
Haedong Kumudo.
Greg and the Korean government insist on Haedong kumudo to the world as Korean traditional kenjutsu.
In the origin, it is 1975.
The base is a fight scene of the Japanese samurai movie.
The founder is a Korean actor.
He camouflaged Kendo7dan.
He founded Haedong kumudo to justify the lie.
Therefore Haedong kumudo uses Japanese traditional clothes and Japanese tool.
In a Korean court, the founder accepted a lie.
However, the Korean government insisted on the lie history to the world.
There is not the traditional martial art called “Ninjutsu” in Japan.
Greg until one year ago commented only in a fishing site of the FB.
There is no update of the FB by him really afterwards.
Current Greg.
He seems to live with parents now in an apartment of Torrance Creinshaw vlbd of LA.
The family nurturer is father of Greg, Kija J Park.
Mother of Greg is Mun Un Park.
It is a pure Korean both.
But, in google HP of Greg, Greg insists on home as Beverly Hills.
There is only a commercial building there.
In the past, Greg had an office in front of Alondora Park.
In addition, by repeated illegal acts of Greg, the martial arts school in the park in Greg was prohibited by LA court.
Later he produced fake ninjutsu video using home garden and the basement parking area of the student.
Two years ago.
The photographer left him.
(the photographer deleted Greg from FB and Youtube)
Is it a martial art level of Greg?
The student of some Greg was a high level than Greg.
They left Greg seven years ago.
(they got tired of a lie and a fraud of Greg)
Yawn. What Susie says about Sally says more about Susie then of Sally.
yeah tuche I agree with that comment any one who bad mouths anyone has character flaws I know I spent 7 years working on mine
In any case, Greg Park is a criminal crook as a “shameful Korean” from Korean media and Korean people.
According to Greg students, Greg opened a lie Ninjutsu school because Greg only appealed to Hollywood.
Greg just wanted an actor’s job in Hollywood.
Around this time, Greg went to Torrance’s community church.
Three years ago, Greg was participating in the Korean Christian church, not community church.
That Korean Christian church is more American than in Korea.
The retirement age in Korea is 45 years old.
(It is not a rule by law)
Many workers who are 45 years old will be dismissed.
Such Koreans become self-employed, whether they are lower-income workers with a salary paid.
In Korea, it is not unusual for Koreans who graduated from Seoul National University of the highest academic department to sell chicken on stalls.
One of the occupations that they choose is a pastor.
In Korean traditional culture, the culture (religion) that does not produce profits is garbage.
Therefore, Koreans disregard the Japanese as “crazy acts” that the traditional festival is inherited by residents’ donations, cleaning the garbage in the residential area.
(Shioto, Buddhism, Spirit, etc.)
Such a commercial business takes precedence for Korean Christianity.
A Korean Christianity obliges believers to donate 10% of their annual income.
Korean retirees build solitary churches and invite believers.
And, go bankrupt.
Christianity in Korea is 25% of the population.
They are difficult to turn from an existing church.
So, in order to gain believers, emerging Korean churches propagate to America and Europe.
In addition, they also propagate to Arab countries that have banned Christ.
By doing so, illegal acts in Arab, they are arrested.
The Korean government will pay gold to the Islamic government for them.
And the Korean emerging Christian church repeats it.
Korean religious people are arrested by criminal acts.
Its main crime is fraud for rapists (victims include children) and followers to believers.
The God of the Korean Christianity is not Christ.
It is the church teacher.
The owner of Sewol who sank with a lot of high school students was also a pastor.
His doctrine.
“God will forgive all our sins.
So, you do not need to reflect on your criminal behavior. ”
With a substitute corpse, he ran away from the responsibility of the accident.
(Maintenance defect, illegal remodeling, overloading, safety control abandonment)
In Korean traditional culture, apologies and reflections are humiliation below slavery.
Therefore, Korean politicians, Korean religious people, Korean managers never apologize for responsibility and do not reflect.
Greg will not reflect on and apologize for lies below elementary school students.
As a martial arts expert I recognise great skill in greg that is not present in Tae Kwon Do but does resemble the style of Ninjutsu. You can say anything you like about his background and even his stunts, and call them lies, but the fact is he has clear visible skill to anyone on a similar level, which resembles that taught at the highest levels of Ninjutsu. That should be enough. Records are for DJs.
I agree with Dan. There was skill there. Also, if you see Greg’s hands in the videos, the conditioning on his knuckles are indicative of many years of striking into hard surfaces. The techniques are puzzling as to origin. They are not Tae Kwon Do or Hapkido techniques. My guess is that they are modified from Kuk Sul Won techniques. Even then, the linear, sequential, rapid strikes does not resemble Kuk Sul Won either. Those would be more in line with Kenpo, but Greg’s stance and approach are different. He could have started his own style without controversy if he did not call himself part of a lineage of ninjas.
Yosh is not entirely wrong either. Most of the Korean martial arts’ creators learned from Japanese instructors. The national pride that Korean martial artists have in their arts needs to be confronted with the fact that the originators of their Korean arts were probably collaborators with the occupation in some manner. Those who fought the occupation were summarily executed.
That said, many martial arts styles outside of China were fairly recent inventions. Karate in its various current styles was taken from Okinawa. Okinawan karate has its roots in Chinese martial arts. Jujitsu and judo have a much longer history within Japan.
What is said about the shallowness of Korean religious culture is almost on point. There is high zeal but also shallow depth. The genuine faithful must worship with the token church-goer and the easily persuaded. There is also a high number of quasi-Christian cults in Korea. The Confucian culture allows charismatic father figures to rise and control people. Sounds a lot like the US, actually.
Yes, many Koreans worship the superficial. Yes, many unintelligent people rise to become Christian leaders in Korea. Most Koreans would agree with Yosh on these points.
I am also very impressed by Yosh’s take on the cult leader that owned the Sewol ship and his death. I thought I was in a small minority who believed he faked his death and is enjoying his wealth in hiding. Many things are possible with money in Korea. If the horrific lack of accountability in the Sewol tragedy could happen, it can easily happen in using an available corpse to fake his death. The body claimed to be his was said to be significantly decomposed and it was quickly cremated, by they way.
Some interesting comments regarding a barely known YouTube personality.
Your an idiot
I think Greg Park is a legitimate martial artist and true believer of Jesus. I tried to get in contact with him online but with no success. I’m from Canada and want him to be my sensei. Whatever anyone else’s opinions are of him, he earned my respect. Semper fi!
Greg is dead.
he is not dead
Nope, he was alive as of a year ago. He was in a recent photo of his son who is a police officer. He was sitting on a couch. He retired from YouTube and from his own social media but he is alive last time I checked.
Yes, I spoke with him about the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ as well.
I believe he was persecuted for his Christian faith, and adherance to doctrine. People persecuted him for that regardless of anything else about him good or bad, true or false. That is sometimes the most obscure truth to find.
Rumor has it right now that he passed away in 2018, I’m praying this is NOT the case & just a word of disinformation from hating internet trolls, please can anyone 100% either confirm or deny this? I pray that this is not true
If he was a traffic cop, then I’m afraid the rumors are true. I would also like to know if he is still alive.
I also have enjoyed hos movies.
Yes Greg passed away from cancer.
In a youtube comment in the video called “a tribute to chosunninja” someone writes: “Autopsy results are public record in LA on the medical examiners website. The medical examiner lists cause of death as myocardial infarction.”
I just found that he died and I cannot have rest since then!
He had a lot of haters because he told the truth and that they don’t teach what they should! Imposters and liars!
He wanted to make peace between Japan people and Korea people (I saw a comment of his), and to unite everybody, but people are full of pride and stupid! I think that’s the reason he wore other martial arts clothes! He was sending a message, that all martial arts are related somehow/friends and he is a friend to everybody! People felt offended! They didn’t get the bigger picture!
Did he really pass away?
The autopsy you’re referring to was on a different Gregory Park.
Owh,…sad☹️. I still folo his youtube. I like his philosophy ☹️. Master Greg. Rest in peace. Thanks for the content sharing
I really like this post
I must say Ihat it surprises me how some people are trying to demean a man like Greg Park. It´s quite obvious that he´s a man who knows martial arts and what he´s talking about. He´s a lot more honest and sincere than all those trolls with no meaning or joy in their lives, who say that everything about Greg is fake.
But hey, even grandmaster Hatsumi from Bujinkan and all the other organizations that train authentic Ninjutsu are accused of being fake. I say to all those trolls that they should leave competent people alone or come and train with them instead of saying all the bullshit that they do all the time.