Worship. To some, the word sounds otherworldly, religious or just plain boring. The truth is, everyday and in so many different ways we engage in the act of worship. Worship comes from a an old English word that means worth+ship or to show how much something is worth. So instead of being reserved for Sunday […]
I wasn’t born a Christian but I definitely feel like I was born in a church. Growing up I spent a bare minimum of three nights, an afternoon and a morning in a church activity of some form or another. That was my normal. Sometimes on special occasions we would spend every night of the […]
God’s Time
What do Christians mean when they say “It’ll happen in God’s timing” or “I’m waiting for God’s time”? Most of us are familiar with time zones. When it is 5pm in London that does not mean it is 5pm in New York. Things are happening for different people in those two different places because of […]
I don’t know about you but all the English grammar that I learned in elementary school has leaked out of my brain. The English language is so complex. Some words in English can be verbs and nouns. Take for instance the word sleep. You can sleep the night away and someone can ask you if […]
I remember watching Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome for the first time at the age of seven and being totally freaked out. If that is what the future will look like then I do not want to keep living. Nuclear holocaust, anarchy, and limited resources are definitely not great motivators for long-term planning. Most of us have […]
Have you ever been lost and realized the whole time that you were driving the wrong way? I remember getting up on the morning of my wedding day with my best man and hopping on the freeway. Little did I know that I was in for the most embarrassing driving moment I have ever experienced. […]
Many people think of Ethiopia and only think of famine, war or pictures of starving children. I have to admit this was my first image of Ethiopia. I have now come to realize that it so much more than that; what we see in the media is not the whole story. For me, Ethiopia is […]
What would it be like if you had the chance to start over again? If somehow all the filth and pain of this world could be washed away and somehow deep within your conscience everything felt…clean. This is what Christians mean when they use the term “born again”. Although it did not fall into common […]
Is it coincidence that walking out of the bank a Japanese kid drives by playing 50 Cent? Is it just happenstance that young boys in Ethiopia talk about the death of Tupac? Is it simply chance that the majority of songs on the billboard chart are in the hip hop/rap category? After thirty years, the […]
You may have heard Christians talking about the Holy Spirit. Many followers of Christ say things like “The Spirit led me to do this or that” or “The Holy Spirit moved in the church service.” For those who do not follow Christ this may be puzzling and a bit weird. It may seem like Christians […]