What we know as the sixth commandment is a verse made up of only two words in its original Hebrew context. Do not murder—an imperative command. We can easily understand the meaning of this phrase as a command that forbids God’s followers from carrying out destructive behaviors against another individual. It is important to recognize […]
Worship. To some, the word sounds otherworldly, religious or just plain boring. The truth is, everyday and in so many different ways we engage in the act of worship. Worship comes from a an old English word that means worth+ship or to show how much something is worth. So instead of being reserved for Sunday […]
Why is God silent when we pray? In the Bible we find God speaking with multitudes of people. Starting in Genesis we read about God talking with Adam. In Revelation, we read about God talking to John. Throughout the entire Bible we can read about God speaking to people. Were those events restricted to the […]
I once tried to save a guy. I didn’t do CPR on him until the medics came but I tried to introduce him to Jesus. I prayed for him every week. I strategically worked God into our conversations. I even wrote an article about him. I thought I could impress him into heaven with my […]
When I was three years old, I ripped off my mom’s freshly pasted wallpaper. She spent hours carefully pressing on the flowery paper and meticulously rubbing the bubbles out. I bounced around and watched, doing my best to avoid the pail of glue while running back and forth between my Barbies and my dad’s office. […]
Discovering Authentic Transformation
What do Christians mean when they say, “I’ve been called by God” or “I’m seeking my calling?” Clearly, God Almighty doesn’t call us on our cell phones. “God called me” is a popular phrase in our community. So, what does it mean? When we speak of “our calling,” most of the time we think we […]
If you’d like to be wildly unpopular at dinner parties or other social events, try bringing up a scripture passage such as Ephesians 5:22-24 without first explaining that you don’t agree with such ideas. This will certainly earn you some immediate “stink eye” as they say in Hawaii, and it may also end up starting […]
He finally got down on his knees and asked the big question, “Will you marry me?” The ring sparkled on her finger, the church was booked and both of their mothers were trying to decide what to wear. Everything appears perfect, like the dream is about to begin, but somewhere at the back of the […]
Many have questions whether Christians should or should not drink alcohol. This issue has caused division among church denominations and misconceptions and judgment between Christians. We try to give you a clear picture of both biblical and Christian perspectives on the topic, tackling the question: Is drinking alcohol Right or Wrong? Wrong DRINKING OPENS UP […]
God’s Time
What do Christians mean when they say “It’ll happen in God’s timing” or “I’m waiting for God’s time”? Most of us are familiar with time zones. When it is 5pm in London that does not mean it is 5pm in New York. Things are happening for different people in those two different places because of […]