I buried my ninety-seven-year-old grandmother this week. I didn’t get to say goodbye while she was still living. As she lay in her casket, the struggle finally out of her body, I placed my hand on hers and told her, one last time, I loved her. Her last words to me, to her family, to […]
I remember a day during the Summer of 2011. I was at Wal-Mart picking up a few items and enjoying the company of a good friend. She headed to the aisle over from me because she had to grab something. As I stood in the hygiene and beauty aisle, I browsed the selection of hair […]
Music and ministry have rarely come together so seamlessly as in the case of Benjamin Dunn and the Animal Orchestra. This band, formed and led by Benjamin Dunn, travels the nation performing shows and raising money to maintain an orphanage for children who have been living in garbage dumps and leper colonies in Hyderbad, […]
9 Ways To Make Easter More Meaningful
The crux of the Christian faith is found in Easter. It is the story of a man called Jesus, who was killed by being hung on a cross, and then three days later rose from the dead. The Bible says in John 3:16 that because of this act of love, those who believe it will […]