What do Christians mean when they say “It’ll happen in God’s timing” or “I’m waiting for God’s time”? Most of us are familiar with time zones. When it is 5pm in London that does not mean it is 5pm in New York. Things are happening for different people in those two different places because of the time zone that they reside in. For some it is time to say goodnight and dive into the nocturnal space we call sleep. For others it is actually the opposite. It is time to wake up and meet the new day with urgency. If we continue to think in terms of time zones, we can grasp the concept that God dwells in a time zone that is altogether different from everything that has been created. God dwells in a time zone called eternity.
What does that mean? It means far from being affected by our idea of time, God resides in a time zone called forever and this means that he is not restricted by our ideas of punctuality. In 2 Peter 3:8 the Bible says that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day. Peter is basically saying that time has no bearing on what God does. So although we may be rushed or have to meet a deadline, God has a timing all his own. This means that we may want something done right away, but God in his “time zone” does not have our perspective of timing. His perspective comes with the wisdom of the whole picture—the eternal picture. Our schedules, clocks, and deadlines are irrelevant when it comes to God and His time. He does what He is going to do in just the right time — God’s time.
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